Cat Self is a Adversary Emulation Developer for MITRE ATT&CK® Evaluations, macOS/Linux Lead for ATT&CK® and serves as a leader of people at MITRE. Cat started her cyber security career at Target and has worked as a developer, internal red team operator, and threat hunter. Cat is a former military intelligence veteran and pays it forward through mentorship, workshops, and public speaking. Outside of work, she is often planning an epic adventure, climbing mountains in foreign lands, or learning Chinese. 我喜欢用中文聊天, 可是我的中文还没那么好。

My Why

I made this blog after I started leading people and was frustrated at the lack of practical & vulnerable resources. Especially resources for women by women. I have learned a lot of lessons the hard way, mostly because I can be stubborn, but I refuse to be the only one to benefit. The idea that you have to pay your dues…hogwash. Wisdom is there for the seeking, the best wisdom is learned from others so you don’t have to collect more scars. Life is hard enough on it’s own, hopefully the lessons I have learned will shine light on the path ahead so you can stay in the joy of watching it unfold.

Usage & Licence

In plain English:

Logos, cartoons, images, and diagrams are to help visually explain concepts and provide a point of reference. You are free to use images/content created for this blog for commercial and personal use provided it is attributed visibly. I suggest <content title> provided by Cat Self, or something substantially similar. Please include the URL.


Feedback is my 😻 language. If you have tried what I have suggested, let me know how it went. You never know who you might help when you share your story.

Also, I can not fix something I do not know about. Direct message me on social media for any high-fives, corrections, insights, or site suggestions.

Cat in the wild

Face for radio interviews

MacAdmins Podcast

SANS Blueprints Podcast 2022

Caught on Camera

Objective by the Sea 2021, 2022

SANS DIFR Threat Hunting Summit 2019

GRRCon 2019